40 years After Her Son Vanished, Somebody Tips Police To Look In A Very Unexpected Place

- The story starts below -
Elzbieta Sekowska & Logan Swenson/Shutterstock.com
Source: Elzbieta Sekowska & Logan Swenson/Shutterstock.com

One of the worst things that can happen to a mother is if one of her children disappears. 

But in Mary's case, she has two other children to take care of and must give everything to stay as strong as possible for them. And even though a mother will never truly stop looking, at some point she has to find a way to make peace with it.

With years, or even decades passing, wounds will heal and the memory will fade, but when the police get an unexpected tip nearly 40 years after Mary's son's disappearance, it changes everything...

A call from the police 
Source: Photographee.eu/Shutterstock.com

The phone rang loudly through Mary's empty house. "Who could it be? At this time none the less". Mary picked up the phone and muffled a nervous hello. She was taken aback when the men on the other side of the line introduced himself as a police officer. What could he want from her?

Could this be about Joshua?
Mama Belle and the kids/Shutterstock.com
Source: Mama Belle and the kids/Shutterstock.com

There was only one thing Mary could think of. Could this have to do with Joshua somehow? After all those years she had given up hope completely. At least that's what she thought, but apparently, with one call from the police, it is again all she could think about...

A very significant tip-off
Source: MOUii/Shutterstock.com

Mary tries to calm herself down, but then the police tell her they got a tip-off. Mary's heart nearly stops when she hears who gave them the tip and she immediately rushes to the police station...

But to better understand Mary's reaction, we have to start at the beginning of the story...

Meet Mary
Image Point Fr/shutterstock.com
Source: Image Point Fr/shutterstock.com

Mary is a now-elderly woman living on the east coast of America. She has only recently moved, having come all the way from the west coast. But what inspired this big move at such an old age? The story that leads up to this big event and change is incredible.

The love of her life Peter
Source: cate_89/Shutterstock.com

As one might expect, Mary’s story starts on the west coast, with Mary only being 18 years old. She had just met the love of her life in Peter. The first time Mary saw her boyfriend to be, she could not keep her eyes off of him and when Peter noticed this, he was ready to act on it.

Peter was her senior
Source: cate_89/Shutterstock.com

Peter was a couple of years Mary’s senior. He had been around the block and while he was Mary’s first real relationship, she definitely was not his first. This meant that even though Mary wanted to take some things slowly, Peter didn't want to wait for some of the pleasures of a relationship…

An adult relationship
Source: cate_89/Shutterstock.com

Even though Mary might not have felt fully ready for a relationship like this yet, she did enjoy it a lot more than expected. They ended up having a lot of fun together. But it is possible that they were having a little too much fun. Without the proper protection…

Unplanned Pregnancy
Source: Daniellart/Shutterstock.com

Mary got pregnant. This was absolutely not what she and Peter had planned for. They were both still so young and didn’t intend on having children for years. They spent a lot of time thinking and discussing the situation. After weeks of going back and forth, they made their decision.

Deciding to keep the baby
Elzbieta Sekowska/Shutterstock.com
Source: Elzbieta Sekowska/Shutterstock.com

They decided to keep the baby. Mary would move in with Peter and they rushed to get their life in order. It put a lot of stress on their still relatively new relationship, but they seemed to weather the storm somehow. Nine months later, their son Joshua was born. Mary’s whole life changed.

The couple love Joshua
Elzbieta Sekowska/Shutterstock.com
Source: Elzbieta Sekowska/Shutterstock.com

All the stress, anger, and struggle from the past months seemed to just flow out of Mary. She fell head over heels in love with her little angel. She had never been this happy. It might have come a lot sooner than expected, but this was the life she had always envisioned for herself.

Managing to make ends meet
Source: cate_89/Shutterstock.com

The first two years felt like surprisingly smooth sailing. Peter had found a job in the harbor which sadly meant that he could not be home much, but it did pay just enough for the couple to keep their head above water. Still, it definitely was not easy for the couple financially.

A somewhat steady relationship
Elzbieta Sekowska/Shutterstock.com
Source: Elzbieta Sekowska/Shutterstock.com

Mary and Peter seemed to have developed a somewhat steady relationship with her putting the focus on raising Joshua, while Peter was mostly working to put food on the table. They knew they had everything they needed, even if they didn’t necessarily have everything they wanted. But their relationship was about to hit another unexpected big speed bump.

Mary got pregnant again
Elzbieta Sekowska/Shutterstock.com
Source: Elzbieta Sekowska/Shutterstock.com

Mary got pregnant again. With one child, it was already very difficult for the couple to make ends meet. But with another child, this would become nearly impossible. For the next couple of weeks, they were trying to come up with other ways to make money, but there was yet another surprise for them.

A second doctors appointment 
Vitali Michkou/Shutterstock.com
Source: Vitali Michkou/Shutterstock.com

About halfway through the pregnancy with the couple yet to figure out how they would make things work financially, Mary had to go to the doctor again for a check-up. She did not think much of it but the doctor would have some very unexpected, and possibly unwelcome news for her...

They were having twins
Svetlana Feofanova/Shutterstock.com
Source: Svetlana Feofanova/Shutterstock.com

The doctor told Mary that she was not just having one baby, but two! Twins! The feeling of joy and financial stress were going back and forth in her head. But the positives did heavily outweigh the negatives for her. Peter, however, saw it a little differently. He was not happy at all!

Peter was not excited 
Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com
Source: Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com

He didn’t see having two more children as a possibility. There was no way they could make that work and he predicted that it would affect their life very negatively. Mary was furious about Peter’s reaction and they got into a big argument that ended in a surprising suggestion from Peter.

Suggesting an abortion
Source: Pressmaster/Shutterstock.com

The only solution Peter saw was for Mary would get an abortion. Maybe at a later date, they could think about having children again, but this was not the time in his eyes. Mary wanted to hear nothing about this possibility but then Peter came with a shocking ultimatum for her…

It was him or the twins
Champion studio/Shutterstock.com
Source: Champion studio/Shutterstock.com

It was him or the twins. If Mary decided to keep the children he would leave her. Mary was stunned by this unexpected ultimatum but Peter was very firm with his demand. When the gravity of the ultimatum really got through to Mary, she had no hesitation in her answer.

Mary let Peter walk out on her
Source: DavidTB/Shutterstock.com

There was no way she was giving up the twins. If Peter wanted to walk out on them, that was on him. Peter had hoped it would not come to this but, if anything, he was a man of his word. So he started to pack up his things and make plans that very same day.

Peter moved far away
Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com
Source: Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com

It took only a few weeks to get everything in order and then Peter left them. For good. He moved to a different city and left Mary in the dark about which one this was. All she knew was that it was far away from her. This might seem surprising but Peter felt he was left with no other choice.

He would never see Joshua again
Source: hikrcn/Shutterstock.com

In her anger, Mary had also forbidden Peter from seeing their son ever again. The fact that Peter did not seem to make a big fuss about this only confirmed to Mary that it was the right decision to let him walk away. She would now have to find a way to make it on her own.

Moving back in with her parents
Source: fizkes/Shutterstock.com

Mary decided to move back in with her parents. This way her mother could look after Joshua and the soon-to-be-born twins, while Mary found a job or maybe two to take care of her little family. Her parents were very sympathetic to the situation and didn’t even charge her any rent so she could start saving.

The twins were born in good health
Grzegorz Placzek/Shutterstock.com
Source: Grzegorz Placzek/Shutterstock.com

The twins were born a couple of months later in good health. It was a difficult labor period but Mary made it through. All the pain, struggles, and other difficulties she faced over the past couple of months just seemed to fade away in an instant when she saw her precious little angels.

Joshua loved the twins 
Source: STEKLO/Shutterstock.com

Joshua was almost 3 years old and was fascinated by his new siblings. He was always around them when they were home and Mary was so happy that he seemed to like them. In her eyes, this was the beginning of a new and happier family without Peter. She was looking forward to the future.

Mary is able to start saving up
Source: Nattakorn_Maneerat/Shutterstock.com

With her parents watching the kids and Mary being able to save a lot of the money she was making from her two jobs, things finally started to look up for her. But, just when things started to look up, something bad happened again. Seemingly nothing could go well for her. And this setback was one she may never recover from.

Joshua goes missing
Mama Belle and the kids/Shutterstock.com
Source: Mama Belle and the kids/Shutterstock.com

Only a few days after his 4th birthday, Joshua went missing. While Mary was at work and her parents were busy with the Twins, Joshua suddenly disappeared. He was playing in the garden at the time, as he would often do so. But when Mary's parents went to check on him, he was gone.

Nobody saw anything 
Source: Kittyfly/Shutterstock.com

Mary's parents immediately went to ask everybody in the neighborhood. Nobody seemed to have seen him or noticed anything. So they called the police. Mary went into a blind panic when she got the call from her parents and rushed home from work in the middle of her shift, not thinking of any potential consequences. 

Unsuccessful search
Source: MIFAS/Shutterstock.com

Mary didn’t even have time to be angry at her parents for losing Joshua. The police beat her to the house. They immediately put every available agent on it and spread a picture of him through the neighborhood. But the search was sadly unsuccessful and Mary was inconsolable. What had happened to Joshua?

Mary needs to find Joshua
Logan Swenson/Shutterstock.com
Source: Logan Swenson/Shutterstock.com

Mary called everyone she knew and all of her attention was going to the search for Joshua. This, however, brought other problems along. She was spending so much effort looking for Joshua that she wasn’t going to work. This put her at risk of losing her jobs and thus her income. And on top of that, her parents weren’t able to care for the twins all the time.

Mary's mother got sick
Source: chippix/Shutterstock.com

Mary's mother had gotten sick only days after Joshua had gone missing. She had no other family to take care of her and so a lot of the responsibility fell on the shoulders of Mary's father. But this did severely limit the time he could watch the twins and none of them could afford a babysitter.

An impossible decision to make
Source: kenchiro168/Shutterstock.com

Mary had a terribly difficult decision to make. It was obvious that she was never going to stop looking for Joshua until he was found, but she couldn’t let him be her only focus. Even though she really wanted him to be. She needed to be able to be there for her twins as well as provide for them.

Trusting in the police 
Source: Prath/Shutterstock.com

She had to trust that the police would do their jobs. They promised her that they would do everything in their power to find Joshua. Mary herself had to get back to work and to the twins. Otherwise, she was at risk of losing everything she had worked so hard for.