Vet Can't Believe His Eyes Seeing This Fat Tiger - Shocked When He Sees What's Inside

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When zookeeper Richard saw that his tiger was pregnant, he was full of joy. It meant that he was about to have another few tigers. After waiting for months, the moment was nearly there. The tiger was about to give birth. But strangely enough, it refused to give birth even with a giant stomach. Richard decided to go to the local vet to get an ultrasound. When the vet saw the ultrasound he immediately called the police.

But what was wrong with the tiger? And what did Richard do wrong? 

Police on its way Gush
Source: Gush

When the vet called the police, they told him that they would come his way immediately. This tiger needed special help from more than just a vet. This tiger needed surgery, as there was obviously something strange going on in its stomach. It might even be a life or death situation....

Police asking questions

When the police finally arrived, they helped the vet to sedate the now almost lifeless giant tiger. But the police did not only help the vet, they also came to Richard. “Sir, we need you to come with us, it is important”.. Richard was shell shocked. What did he do wrong?

Incredibly surprised

Richard answered questions about himself and the tiger that he had cared for her since she was a cub. When he was done with answering all the questions, he heard disbelief from the surgery room. “I can’t believe this!,” said the vet. 

But what did the vet find inside the tiger that he was so incredibly surprised by?

Finally pregnant
Source: shutterstock
Source: shutterstock

For almost a year now, Richard's tiger has been pregnant. Richard really wanted more tigers and since he loved his tiger, whose name was Kali, so much he decided to make sure Kali could give birth to some cubs, but that was not easy..

Looking for the right guy
Source: Samborskyi
Source: Samborskyi

Richard had to find a tiger that was certified to legally impregnate his tiger. Months passed by and he could not find any other zoo that could help in this project. Richard wondered if he had to accept that what he wanted was not possible, and that he should look to get another tiger somewhere else.

The right guy
Source: Shutterstock
Source: Shutterstock

short notice, so within days the man stood in front of Richard's zoo and made sure Kali got pregnant. Richard was excited and couldn't wait for the day Kali would actually give birth. But finally, after months of searching for the right person, Richard found his guy. This man was available on

Ultrasound giving the answer

It had been a long and slow process, but in the end Richard got what he wanted. After a week or two Richard called the vet to have a first ultrasound to check whether Kali was really pregnant. After doing the ultrasound, the vet revealed the news…

Vet checking the tiger
Source: Shutterstock
Source: Shutterstock

The vet checked the tiger and everything seemed to be okay with both the tiger and her cubs. But later in the pregnancy, things did not go as planned..

Playing with Kali
Source: Shutterstock
Source: Shutterstock

At first, Kali wasn’t able to sleep as much as she did before her pregnancy, but on top of that Richard was not able to play with her anymore which was something she really liked before that. But Richard couldn’t figure out why this was the case..

Restless tiger
Source: Shutterstock
Source: Shutterstock

Kali became more and more restless during the pregnancy. Richard thought that this would be over soon since the vet guaranteed that this was normal, but in the week that she was supposed to give birth to her little cubs she reached the boiling point..

Calling the vet

Richard had prepared everything for the delivery to make sure it all went smoothly, but Kali simply refused to give birth. Richard could do nothing other than just call the vet, but Richard had to answer questions he did not expect.

Taking a necessary step..

The vet asked Richard how exactly Kali behaved. Richard explained that she was restless at first, but that she now barely moved anymore. The vet was shocked by Richard's answers and explained to Richard that he needed to make sure Kali laid down on the ground in the right way..